Mapping Your Future

Mapping Your Future: Successful Re-Entry Resource Fair & Job Fair

When: August 7, 2020

Time: To Be Announced Soon

Where: Briscoe Carpenter Livestock Center in Fair Park
1403 Washington St, Dallas, TX 75210

Who’s Invited: This event is open to the public

What this event is about: As our economy continues to improve and demand for employees increases, there is a growing need to ensure that those previously incarcerated have access to opportunities for positive reintegration into the workforce. The State Fair of Texas is pleased to partner with the University of North Texas at Dallas Law School, the City of Dallas, Goodwill Industries of Dallas, Miles of Freedom, Unlocking Doors, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, American Civil Liberties Union, Cornbread Hustle, Faith in Texas, Dallas Leadership Foundation, Bonton Farms, TR Hoover CDC, Dallas ISD Police, Cardboard Project, Trinity Restoration Ministries, Southern Dallas Link, Redemption Bridge and many other agencies to provide the Mapping Your Future: Successful Re-entry Resource & Job Fair.

Interested in Attending? Register Here!

Why Re-Entry Assistance is Important

The Reentry and Integration Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice identified nearly 140 counties of all sizes that lacked adequate resources with respect to housing, basic needs, education, employment, veterans’ services, medical care, mental health care, or substance abuse treatment. Furthermore, many employers and landlords remain largely unwilling to give formerly incarcerated individuals a chance, regardless of everything people may have done to achieve rehabilitation.” That is why this collaborative event is important and necessary for those in our local community.

The Resource Fair and Job Fair are both opportunities to change the trajectory of so many lives in our local area. As a vendor at the Resource Fair, your participation will help serve as a link to these individuals by removing barriers and obstacles they face daily. We need vendors that provide services that can support reentry into our community. As an employer, your participation can offer those impacted by incarceration opportunities to provide for their families, as well as provide more exposure and greater access to potential employees than a regular job posting. We need your involvement and look forward to the endless possibilities to make a difference.

Interested in Becoming a Vendor or Employer?

If you are interested in serving as a vendor or an employer at the Resource Fair or the Job Fair, please complete the registration form below no later than Friday, July 24. As soon as your information is received, additional information will be provided.  Vendors for the Resource Fair must commit to arriving at 8:30 am and departing at 2:00 pm to participate.