The 2nd Annual Race to Kindness Book Fair, hosted by ThriftBooks, TR Hoover CDC, and the State Fair of Texas, was held on Saturday, May 21. Thousands of books were given away to residents in need from local South Dallas schools, helping Race to Kindness reach its goal of getting 500,000 books in the hands of kids and adults nationwide. Nearly 175 folks participated in the book fair, and Little Big Tex joined humanitarian, Orion Jean, founder of Race to Kindness and TIME’s Kid of the Year for 2021, for a story time.

Little Big Tex and Orion Jean hold story time for attendees.
Celebrating education is one of the Fair’s nonprofit mission pillars. According to a recent Reading is Fundamental survey, two out of every three children living in poverty have no books to call their own. They also report if a child grows up in a home with 100+ books, they have a 90% probability of graduating the ninth grade, compared to 30% in bookless homes. Race to Kindness’ mission is to provide access to print books for children across the country.

Orion Jean and State Fair of Texas representatives join TR Hoover CDC and ThriftBooks volunteers at the event.
This is the second event the Fair has partnered with Race to Kindness and ThriftBooks. In November 2021, another book fair was held where 9,000 books were distributed to South Dallas residents.
About ThriftBooks
ThriftBooks sells millions of used books at the lowest everyday prices. We believe reading empowers people, offering them empathy to live for a moment in someone else’s shoes, education—a critical asset to improving one’s life—and an occasional escape to fantastic worlds inhabited by interesting characters. Yes, we save millions of books every year from being destroyed, but our mission goes beyond the environment. We save these books and make them accessible to readers for the chance to shape another mind, share another story, and teach a bit of wisdom.
About TR Hoover CDC
T.R. Hoover’s mission is to strengthen, empower, and provide holistic, collaborative services that impact the South Dallas community through affordable housing, economic, and community development. We advocate and address the issues of poverty, economic divestment, blight, infrastructure decline, neighborhood safety, and the rising levels of unemployment.
About the State Fair of Texas
Since its inception in 1886, the State Fair of Texas has celebrated all things Texan by promoting agriculture, education, and community involvement through quality entertainment in a family-friendly environment. The State Fair of Texas is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with proceeds helping to preserve and improve our home, Fair Park; underwrite museums, community initiatives, and scholarship programs to support students throughout the Lone Star State pursuing higher education; and help improve State Fair operations. The 2022 exposition runs September 30 through October 23 in Fair Park. Visit for more information.