Big Tex Youth Livestock Auction

Agriculture's bright future

The State Fair of Texas Big Tex Youth Livestock Auction and Scholarship Program is a time-honored tradition that celebrates and supports urban and rural youth across Texas. Winning exhibitors are eligible to sell projects through a live auction where sponsors pay premium prices for the youth exhibitors’ hard work. To participate, these youth invest time, passion, and energy in animals with hopes of walking away with the Grand Champion prize in this year’s 77th Annual Auction.

2025 Youth Livestock Auction:

When: October 3, 2025
Where: Briscoe Carpenter Livestock Center
Time: 1:00 P.M.

Want to attend? The Big Tex Youth Livestock Auction is open to all fairgoers. For information on how to register to attend please contact Leigh Danley by clicking here.

Start Here to Join the Fun!Download A Pledge Form

2023 Was Another Record Breaking Year for Youth Livestock Exhibitors at the Fair

The 75th Annual Big Tex Youth Livestock Auction celebrated another record-breaking year in 2023, raising more than $2.2 million for youth livestock exhibitors and the Big Tex Scholarship Program. Approximately 3,100 students from around the state competed for one of the coveted 582 spots in the Auction

2023 Sale Lots

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Back the brand. Contribute today.

The State Fair of Texas is passionate about agricultural education and supporting students through the Youth Livestock Auction and Scholarship Program.

The State Fair is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Any contribution of $250 or more will receive a tax letter noting the deductible portion of a contribution.

For more information, please contact:

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2023 Big Tex Youth Livestock Auction Donors

505 Millenium

5555 N. Beach

6000 Connection

830 Greenville

A B III Wharton

A Compton Borders

A.B. Wharton III


Abbey Cumnock

Acker (Clayton and Bonnie)

Adam West

Ag Workers Insurance

Aimee Bush

Alamo Amusements

Alan Walne

Alecia Jenkins

Alex Adams

Alex and Janet Madrazo

Alex Madrazo

Alice Murray

Alida Hotel

All State 38 Inc

Allan Weiss

Allied Fire Protection

Amber Fletcher

Amber Fletcher

Amusement Management, Int’l.

Amy and Les Ware Foundation

Andrew Scudder

Andrews & Foster Drilling Company

Angela Solano

Anita Barham

Anita Barham Realty

Ann and Jeffrey Swope

Ann and Walter Waldie

Anne Panza

Art of Twisted Nail LLC

Ashley Foster

Ashley Schrader

Atmos Energy

Auction Day Committee

Austin Avenue Animal Hospital

Austin Wood Recycling

B Ellis Concessions

Back to Nature, Inc.

Baker Tilly

Baker Triangle

Bane Machinery, Inc.

Bank of Texas

Bank of Texas

Barry Cooper

Baylor Scott & White Health

Becky Brumley Newton

Bell Nunnally & Martin LLP

Ben Bradshaw

Ben E Keith Co.

Ben Twiss

Benchmark Bank Private Wealth

Bert Concessions, Inc.

Bill and Robin McMahan

Bill McMahan

Bill O’Dwyer

Bill O’Dwyer

Bill Roberds

Billy Bob’s Texas

Billy O’Connor

Binh Tran

Bishop Amusement Rides

Blake McDonagh

Blake Taylor

Blake’s Concessions

Blue Cross & Blue Shield

Blue Racer Midstream

Bo Rollins

Bob & Lisa Armstrong

Bob & Lisa Armstrong

Bob and Alison Farrow

Bob Best

Bob Ellis

Bobby Baillargeon

Bobby Myers

Boomer Jack’s

Boomer Jack’s

Brenda Jackson

Brett Blakey

Brett Enright

Brett Lee Perry

Brian Carter

Brian Foley

Brian Foley

Brian Foley

Brian O’Boyle

Bruce Hvidsten

Bruce Perleman

Bruce Sifford

Bryan Baker

Bryan Henderson

Bryan Petton

Buckeye Bingo

Bud Underwood

Bud Underwood

Burk Royalty Co., Ltd.

Butch Benavides

Butch Benavides

Butch Benavides

Byron Mitchell

Callie Hamilton

Caprice Enterprises, Inc.

Carol Davis

Carol Davis

Caroline McKee

Carrie Covert

Carrie Covert

Cathy Dozier

CCI-5000 Headquarters Legacy

CCI-Beach II, LP

CCI-Beach LP

CedarTop Capital Energy LLC

Chambless Family The Foundation

Chandler Country Store

Chandler Markwardt

Chandler Markwardt

Charl Strydom

Charles Gromatzky

Charles LeCroy

Charley Spradley

Charlie Myers

Charlie’s Creole Kitchen

Chase Galbraith

Chase Perry

Chicago Title

Chip Huffman

Chris Jordan

Chris Jordan

Chris Peck

Chris Rogers

Chris Rogers

Chris Rozzell

Chris Wright

Christi Erpillo

Christi Erpillo

Cindy Cannon

Circle R Ranchwear

Clayton Acker

Clint Probst

Clint Tillison

Clinton Sims

CMD Commercial Flooring, Inc.

CMD Commercial Flooring, Inc.

Coldbeer in Deep Ellum LP

Color Dynamics

Comerica Bank

Conatser & Giles LLC

Concession Staffing Services, LLC

Cooper’s BBQ

Cornerstone Baptist Church

Craftway Kitchen

Craig Fletcher

Craig H. Evans

Craig H. Lewis

Crave Popcorn Co.

Cristie Escochea

Crow Holdings



D Harold Byrd

Dallas Communications Complex

Dallas Hall

Dan Wright

Daniel Krieg

Darn Good Corn


Davey Davis

David and Gail Vines

David and Gusta Rosenberg Foundation

David Blaylock

David Kimbell Jr.

David Little

David McCreigh

David Moran

David Moran

David Osborne

David Osborne

David P E Schmidt

David Schmidt, P. E.

David Shasteen

David Shuttee

David Snyder

Debby Moore Baker Family

Debra Kohnle

Dee and Bob Ruckman

Demas Enterprises, Inc.

Deren Wilcox

Dexter & Company

DG Ranch LLC

Dogwater Cattle Co.

Don Reim

Donald E. Godwin

Donna Halstead

Donnie Nelson

Douglas and Martha Hawthorne

Douglas Nash

Douglas Nash

Douglas Thompson

Driver Pipeline Co., Inc

Dub Newman

Dynamic Systems, Inc.


E. H. Teasley & Co., Inc.

E. I. Dupont de Nemours and Company

Earl Jr. Nye

Ed Campbell

Ed Campbell Concessions Company

Eddie Stutts

Eddie V’s

Edwin L. Cox, Jr.

EGW Utilities, Inc.

Elizabeth and Santiago Reich

Erik Daugbjerg

Ernst & Young

Errol McKoy

Evan Pounds

Expedition Capital Advisors LLC

Fair of Fun, Inc.

Fair Ride Entertainment

Family Foundation Scovell

Family Foundation Shea

Family Hilzer

Felix III Lozano

Fiesta Enterprises, Inc.

First Horizon Bank

Flat Creek Farms

Fletcher’s Original State Fair Corny Dogs


Fort Worth Zoo

Four Winds Steakhouse

Frank Cinatl

Frank Deel

Frank Mihalopoulos

Frank Rumore

Frealey Ferments

Freeman Mazda Hyundai

Friona Industries

Frontier Spirits LLC

Frost Bank

Frost Bank

Frost Brown Todd

Fruteria Cano

Fun Day Concessions

Gail Fletcher

Gail Fletcher

Galbraith Real Estate LLC

Gary Griffith

Gary L. Tipton

GDA Architects LLC

Gene & Pamela Evans Roy Foundation

George Shafer

Gilbert Gerst

Gillham Golbeck & Associates, Inc.

Gina Norris

Gittings Portraiture

Glo Nite, Inc.

Glynne Mildren

Goelzer Industries

Good, Fulton & Farrell, Inc.

Gourmet Royale LLC

Grapevine Golf Cars

Grapevine Golf Cars

Grease Monster Recycling

Green Light Distribution

Greta Conger

Hans Johnsen Company

Harlow Cattle

Harold Jones

Harvey R. Bright

Haynes and Boone LLP

Hays Catering

Heath Cheek

Heath Cheek

Helen Johnson

Helen Yancey


High Power Livestock/Ranch Nanny Creations

Highlander Partners

Hilton Dallas/Rockwall Lakefront Hotel

Holland and Kelly O’Neil

Hope Archer

Hotel Drover

Hubert Zajicek

Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Sppa

Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort

In Memory of Vickie Rosenbusch

India Hearne

Interlaced Productions

Inwood National Bank

Issac Rousso

J. E. Dunn Construction

J. F. Construction, Inc.

J. Stephen Muncey Law Firm

Jack Jr. Pew

Jack Pyland

Jack’s French Frys

Jackson’s Home and Garden

Jaime Navarro

Jake Crandall

Jake Owen

James Barrera

James Barrera

James Lasater

James Perry

James Roberts

James Williams, Jr.

Jan Eddins

Jan Hart Black

Jason Harlow

JBS Concessions

Jeannene Xanthus

Jeff Bossman

Jeff Carter

Jeff Carter

Jeff Laceky

Jeff Laceky

Jennifer Nguyen

Jeremy Solem

Jerry C. Alexander

Jerry Duty

Jerry Freeman Jr.

Jill Mitis

Jim Bishop

Jim Conatser

Jim Hitzelberger

Jimmy’s Food Store

JLM Concessions

Joe Alcantar

Joe Armes

Joe Graham

Joe Willoughby

Joel Gilhang

John B and Savannah E Howard

John Harkey, Jr.

John Hubbard

John III Carpenter

John III de la Garza

John III Norris

John Jr. Taylor

John Madden

John P. Thompson Jr.

John P. Thompson Jr.

John Tarlton

Jon Rollins

Jon White

Jose Cano

Josh McArtor

Joshua Furrh

Joy Rides, Inc.

Joyce Hutchings

Judy and Harold Kaye

Juicys, LLC

Julie Motosko

Julie Wilson

Justin Martinez

K. Wayne Hast

K. Wayne Hast & Co.

Kane, Russell, Coleman & Logan, PC

Kane, Russell, Coleman & Logan, PC

Karnes County National Bank

Kary Barnett

Kathy Burns

Kati Houser

Katies Catering LLC

Katy Trail Ice House

Kay Miller

Keith Burks

Keith Pearson

Kelli Pawkett

Ken Hirsch and Julia Buthman

Kenny’s Restaurant Group

Kevin Norris

Kim Norris

Kim Norris

Kim O’s Concessions

Kimberly Oren

Kip Hanzlicek

Kip Redfern

Koree Webb

Kyle Townsend

Kyle Wison

Lakehouse Bar & Grill

Lakeside Commercial Builders

Lance Andrews

Lance Bland

Landmark Nurseries

Larry Nickell

Laser Fair

Learfield Communications

Lee Jr. Halford

Lee Wiley

Leslie Lee

Lester Alberthal

Lester Alberthal

Lil Reds LLC

Lila Levy

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Rettew

Lois Finkelman

Lone Star Ag Credit

Lone Star Entertainment, LLC

Lone Star PEO

Lori Bush

Louis Hartmann

LPT Enterprises, Inc.

Lucky Dog Barkery

Lumry Family Foundation

Luther King Capital Management

Lydia Laske

Lydia Turner

M & C Attractions

Madden Electric

Marc J. Myers

Marcus Hill

Mariah Welland-Duchow

Marissa Anchia

Mark and Tracy Schortman

Mark Kelly

Mark Lucisano

Mark Meyer

Mark Villasana

Marlee Woodcook-Yancy

Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC

Martin Peck

Mary Ann Dunne

Mary Jo Capps

Mary McCurley Jo

Mary Suhm

Mary Talley

Mary Talley

Mary Talley

Matrice Ellis-Kirk

Matson Pearce

Matthew Garcia

Maurice Haworth

McBubbles, LLC

McCasland Land Services Inc.

Melanie and Chad Schneider

Melinda Matthews

Melissa Kibby

Michael Alcantar

Michael Alcantar

Michael and Julia Dulan Household

Michael and Piper Wyatt

Michael Brigance

Michael Brigance

Michael Brigance

Michael Brigance

Michael Brigance

Michael Brigance

Michael Brigance

Michael Brigance

Michael Brigance

Michael Brigance

Michael Dulan

Michael Lewis

Michael Martin

Michael Wessel

Michael Wood

Micheal Rideau

Michelle A. Eilers

Michelle Reid

MIINC Mechanical Contractors

Mike Ablon

Mike Demas

Mike Hutchinson

Miles Hunt

Mischel Rule

Misti Kastle

Mr and Mrs Dayniel Snyder

Mr and Mrs Jason Hays

Mr and Mrs Ritchie Butler

Mr. and Mrs. Rob Ramage

Mr. Ed’s Magical Midway

Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C.

Natalie Fortenberry

Natalie Hoppe

Natalye Combs

Nevins Concessions

New Kastl Events

Newt Walker

Newt Walker Company

Nicole McRae

North Richland Hills

NorthStar Energy Solutions

Northwest Insurance Agency

Olivia Tedford

Olsen-Stelzer Boot Company, LLC

Omni Barton Creek Resort

Once Upon A Cone

Palmer’s Hot Chicken

Pam Kirkley

Paradise Amusements

Park of Legacy West

Passionately Rivalicious

Pastor Chris Simmons

Pat Beaird

Pat Crow

Patrick Cowden

Patrick Little

Patrick Sheridan

Patti Wood

Paul DiCarlo

Paul Goelzer, Jr.

Paul Jr. Goezler

Paul Rego

Pearce Commercial Property Co. LLC

Pearson Partners International

Pecos Operating Company

Pete Richardson

Pete Richardson

Pete Schenkel

PGA Championship 2024

Phil Luna

Phil Wiegers

Philip Kistler

Phillis Hanchey

Pineapple Man

Plumbers’ & Steamfitters’ UA Local #100

Prairie Creek Partners

Pria Handmade Accessories

Prime Pacific Entertainment

Primera Companies, Inc.

Primoris Services Corp.

Prosteel, Inc

Providence Title


R.D. & Joan D. Hubbard Foundation

R.L. & C.S Feldman

R.L. Feldman

Rachel Gallini

Ragan’s Gems & Minerals

Randy Engstrom

Ray Kane

Ray Kane

Ray Pereda

Raymond J. Adams Co. Inc.

Rebcon, Inc.

Rebecca and William Fletcher

Redfern Enterprises

Regency Centers

Reiner Zuercher

Reiner Zuercher and Lindsay Clark

Reiner Zuercher and Lindsey Clark

Renea McMillan

Renee Huddle

Republic National Distributing Co.

Retta Miller

Richard Davidovich

Rick Gillham

Rick Howard

Riddell Plumbing, Inc.

RiverStar Farms

Rob and Holly Farrell

Rob Ramage

Robert Abtahi

Robert Baillargeon

Robert Estrada

Robert Rhoads

Robert Rhoads

Robert Smith

Robert Smith

Robert Walne

Robert Wolf

Roberta M. Byrd

Robin Hotchkiss

Robin Robinson

Roger Perry

Ronald and Carolyn McCutchin

Ronald McCutchin

Royce West, Jr.

Ruben Esquivel

Ruiz Management

Rutledge Haggard

Rutledge Haggard

Ryan House Candles

Ryan Martin

Saint Bernard

Salum Restaurant

Sam Ablon

Sam Abweh

Samsville Gallery

Sarah Dozier

Schmidt & Stacy® Consulting Engineers, Inc.

Scott Bane

Scott Brady

Scott Britt

Scott Chambers

Scott Miller

Scott Riddell

Scott Twomey

Scott Watkins

Sean Allen

Sewell Automotive Companies

SFOT Creative Arts

S-GAP, Student Governmental Affairs Program

Shanna Sisson

Shannon Gilliland

Sharon Champagne

Sheryl Sullivan

SHOP Companies

Simply Bliss Aesthetics LLC

Sky Spectacle Inc

SOBAT Concessions Inc.

Solem Concessions, Inc.

Sonny Bert

Southwest Airlines

Southwest Pipe Trades Association

Spradley Legal Search

State Fair of Texas

State Fair Spectaculars LLC

Stephen Arata

Stephen Brookshire

Stephen Brookshire

Stephen Gwinn

Steve and Linda Ivy

Steve Edens

Steve Muncey

Steve Velasquez

Steven Jr. Mancillas

Steven Mancillas

Stiffler Concessions, LLC

Stiffler Concessions, LLC

Sue Wells

Sunshine Kitchen Products

Susan Bell

Susan Brosin

Susan Harris

Susan Roberds

Susser Bank

Sweet Connie’s, Inc.

Talley Amusements

Tami Nevins

Tammy Stiffler

Tammy Stiffler

Tarleton Agricultural Education Alumni

Taste of Cuba

Taylor Moody

Taylor Moody

Taylor Segouia

Terry and Betsy Charleston

Terry Dallas

Terry Dallas

Terry Hundley

Terry Hundley

Texas Air Systems

Texas Building Controls

Texas Farm Credit

Texas Mezzanine Fund

Texas Toffee

The Harkey Family Foundation, Inc.

The Las Colinas Resort, Dallas

The Nelson

The Only Facial

Thomas Gleason

Thomas Lauther LLC

Thomas Wainscott

Thomas Walsh, IV

Tito’s Handmade Vodka

Todd Meier

Todd Rodgers

Tom Barrett Optical

Tom Grace

Tom Lazo

Tom McDonagh

Tom McKenzie

Tomco Services, Inc.

Tommy Tucker

Tony Bednar

Tony Shram

Tony’s Taco Shops

Toyota Stadium

TPG Group

Tracey Geren

Tracey’s Concessions

Tracy Switzer

Travis Sartain

Travis Sartain

Trek Resources, Inc.

Triple T Amusements

TS Food Systems

Turtle Creek Management, LLC

Two Lonesome Doves

Uncle Ervin’s

United Ag & Turf

United Mechanical

Valley View Cattle Company

Vana Hammond

Velasquez Catering & Concessions, Inc.

Vermeer Texas-Louisiana

Vicki Stinson

Vickie and Frank Rush

Victor Elmore

Vocational Agriculture Teachers Assn. of Texas

Vonciel Jones Hill

W. D. W. Management Services LLC

Wanda Winter

Wanderlust Amusements Corp.

Warren Mayberry

Watkins Construction Company LLC

Wayne Schilling

Wayne Williams


Wee Dazzle

Weiss Enterprises, Inc.

Weldon Williams & Lick Inc

Wendy Lopez

Wendy Lopez

Whiski Designs

Whit Perryman

William Graham

William Graham

William Hoffman

William R. Lumry, M.D., P.A.

William Toles

William Toles

Winstanley Consultants, Inc.

Winston & Strawn LLP

Winter Family Concessions LLC

Winter Family Concessions LLC

Wood Entertainment

YP Circle P LLC

Z & E, LLP

Zach Bright

Zane Butter

Zori Flores