The State Fair of Texas and the Dallas Historical Society, in cooperation with the Texas Sports Hall of Fame, present a new exhibit honoring a selection of individuals who have contributed to athletic history in Texas, titled “Texas Sports Legends.”
The exhibit will be open daily during this year’s State Fair of Texas, September 26 through October 19.
To add an additional dimension of fan involvement into the exhibit, there will be a special section entitled, “Future Texas Sports Legends.”
The Dallas Morning News SportsDay team, in cooperation with the Dallas Historical Society, have chosen a selection of sports figures not yet inducted into the Texas Sports Hall of Fame, but who have contributed to Texas athletics during their lives.
From the list of 17, you have the chance to vote for your favorite future Texas sport legend.
The top five legends from this poll will have a special display as part of the “Texas Sports Legends” exhibit during the State Fair of Texas, September 26 through October 19, at Fair Park.
Voting ends Thursday, July 17, at 5 p.m. CDT. You may vote once daily.
Disclaimer: This is a small selection of individuals featured in the Texas Sports Hall of Fame and as potential Future Texas Sports Legends. There are many more deserving to be considered Texas sports legends. The poll for the potential “Future Texas Sports Legends” is for the 2014 State Fair of Texas exhibit only, and in no way reflects any official action on the part of the Texas Sports Hall of Fame.