Breeds of Beef Cattle
- Angus
- Beefmaster
- Brahman
- Brangus
- Charolais
- Hereford
- Limousin
- Maine-Anjou
- Miniature Hereford
- Miniature Zebu
- Polled Hereford
- Red Angus
- Red Brangus
- Santa Gertrudis
- Shorthorn
- Simbrah
- Simmental
- Texas Longhorn
Breeds of Dairy Cattle
- Ayrshire
- Brown Swiss
- Guernsey
- Holstein
- Jersey
- Milking Shorthorn
Breeds of Sheep
- Columbia
- Delaine
- Dorper
- Dorset
- Hampshire
- Rambouillet
- Southdown
- Suffolk
- White Dorper
Breeds of Goats
- Alpine
- Angora
- Colored Angora
- Boer
- Lamancha
- Pygmy
- Nigerian Dwarf
- Nubians
- Oberhasli
- Saanen
Breeds of Swine
- Berkshire
- Chester White
- Duroc
- Hampshire
- Landrace
- Poland China
- Spot
- Yorkshire
Breeds of Horses
- Quarter Horse
- Arabians
- Paint
Donkeys & Mules
- Miniature
- Standard
- Mules
- Chickens
- Ducks
- Geese
- Turkeys