Another year has come and gone, which means another State Fair is in the works and before you know it the 2020 theme will be revealed! While there is still plenty of time to decide which contest(s) you want to enter, we know creativity doesn’t just show up overnight. To help jump-start your creativity, here’s a short recap on a few categories and participants from the 2019 State Fair.
Perfectly aligned with the quote, “everything is bigger in Texas” Creative Arts hits the nail on the head year after year. You can choose from any one of the 1,100 contests throughout the Pre-Fair Arts & Crafts, the Big Tex BBQ & Chili Challenge, Youth Competitions, and the During-Fair Cooking Contests to claim your State Fair of Texas ribbon-winning title. Stay tuned for more information, so you can mark your calendar for all things Creative Arts. We are counting down the days to see what you come up with this year! Be sure to share your journey with us on social media by tagging @StateFairofTX for your chance to be reposted on the Fair’s page. #BigTex
Pumpkin Decorating
Arts & Crafts: Afghans, Juniors
Arts & Crafts: Art, Children
Cooking Contests: Candy
Arts & Crafts: Ceramics, Adults
Cooking Contest, Tex-Mex
Big Tex BBQ & Chili Challenge, BBQ Pork Spare Ribs
Arts & Crafts: Designer Craftsman, Adults
Arts & Crafts: Canning
Arts & Crafts: Holiday Corner
Cooking Contests: Youth Cooking
Arts & Crafts: Designer Craftsman
Cooking Contest: Sandwich with a Twist
Arts & Crafts: Photography
This blog was featured in our January 2020 Creative Arts newsletter. For more information on Creative Arts Contests or blogs on how to enter, visit our Creative Arts 101 page or sign-up for our Creative Texans Newsletter.
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