With Memorial Day just a few days away, there is no better time to honor those who serve or have served in the United States Armed Forces. As a special salute to our country’s troops, the State Fair is once again kicking off its 2017 event with Military Appreciation Day, in partnership with the Texas Lottery Commission. On Opening Day of the Fair – Friday, September 29, 2017 – all active military, retired military, and veterans receive FREE admission when they present valid documentation of military service at the gate. Spouses of service men and women with a valid Military Spouse ID and accompanying children under the age of 18 also receive FREE admission.* The State Fair would also like to thank our country’s first responders with a day hosted in their recognition. On Friday, October 13, First Responders Day will honor our various active and retired public law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, and other emergency services agencies. All first responders will receive FREE admission to the Fair when they present a valid badge or ID card from their department or organization at the gate, plus up to three admission tickets for their family members.
With a wide variety of discounts available throughout the run of the Fair, there are endless ways to save. In addition to Military Appreciation Day, Opening Day offers a discount opportunity for non-military guests as well. On Friday, September 29, fairgoers can bring a full 20 oz. bottle of Dasani water, or any 20 oz. Coca-Cola product, for donation to the North Texas Food Bank and get in for only $10. Every Tuesday of the Fair, guests have the chance to bring an empty Dr Pepper can and receive $6 admission. Discounts even extend to the Midway, with most rides offered at a reduced price on Tuesdays. Thanks to Kroger and NBC 5, when visitors bring four canned food items on any Wednesday of the Fair, they will receive admission for only $4. All canned donations go to the North Texas Food Bank, which helps feed members of the community. Last year, more than 267,000 pounds of food were donated through this program. Thursdays mean big savings at the Fair, with multiple discounts offered on a weekly basis. In partnership with Seniorific News, the State Fair offers senior citizens 60 years and older FREE admission every Thursday. By bringing an empty 20 oz. bottle of any Coca-Cola product, guests of all ages can receive $7 admission on Thursdays. Coca-Cola Thrifty Thursdays are returning for the 2017 Fair with even more delicious ways to save. Guests can save while snacking during Thrifty Thursdays, where participating food vendors offer one of their signature menu items at a reduced price, ranging from mini versions to regular-size items. On KISS-FM Fridays, visitors can get $5 off general admission tickets any Friday of the Fair by downloading and printing a special coupon, which will be available on the KISS-FM website (1061kissfm.com) after September 1.
In addition to the discounts offered on specific days of the week, guests can take advantage of discount opportunities that are available ANY day of the Fair. On any night of the week, visitors receive HALF PRICE admission when they bring an empty Dr Pepper can after 5 p.m. Discount coupons are available at McDonald’s locations throughout North Texas on tray liners and inside their meal bags, and are redeemable on any day of the Fair. With this coupon, any fairgoer can save $5 off a general admission ticket, or get HALF OFF a children’s ticket with the purchase of a regular-priced general admission ticket. Guests can receive discounted tickets by simply downloading the free DART GoPass app on their mobile devices. When purchased through the app, tickets are $16 for general admission and $12 for children and seniors. The GoPass app allows users to purchase tickets and download them right to their phones, which will then be scanned at the gate. To make a trip to the Fair even more convenient, users can purchase a DART pass on the app and take the DART to one of two stations, both located right next to fairground entrances.
Ticket prices at the gate for the 2017 Fair remain the same as last year. Priced at $18, general admission to the Fair includes hundreds of daily shows, concerts, activities and exhibits, all at no extra cost. The Fair offers $14 admission for children under 48 inches in height and seniors age 60 and older, with free admission for children age two and under. State Fair of Texas Season Passes will be available for purchase online this summer for only $39.99, which include 24-day admission as well as a variety of special pass holder benefits.
*Valid documentation of military service must be presented at the gate and includes valid Military ID Cards and Military Spouse ID Cards. For information on how to obtain your Military ID Card before your visit to the Fair, contact your military branch or go to www.cac.mil. Offer and ticket valid only September 29, 2017.
[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”http://bigtex.com/discounts” icon=”” target=”false”]All 2017 Discounts[/button]
Say "Howdy" to our 2017 Admission Discounts
Posted in: Press Releases, News and Information.